خَرَج Iخَرَج Verb : to go out, exit, leave
خَرَّج IIخَرَّج Verb : to oust, remove
أَخْرَج IVأَخْرَج Verb : to oust, remove, emit
تَخَرَّج Vتَخَرَّج Verb : to be graduated, graduate
تَخارَج VIتَخارَج Verb : to disengage, disassociate
اِسْتَخْرَج Xاِسْتَخْرَج Verb : to extract, derive, conclude
خَرْج Iخَرْج Verbal Noun : expenditure, outlay
خَراج خَراج : kharaj (land tax)
خَراجِيّ خَراجِيّ : kharaj (land tax)
خُرُوج Iخُرُوج Verbal Noun : exit, getting out, departure, deviation
خُرُوجات Iخُرُوج Verbal Noun : trimming, piping
خِرِّيج خِرِّيج : graduate
مَخْرَج Iمَخْرَج Noun of Place & Time : exit, outlet, escape
مَخارِج Noun of Place & Time : exits, outlets
تَخْرِيج IIتَخْرِيج Verbal Noun : upbringing, extraction, derivation
إِخْراج IVإِخْراج Verbal Noun : production, extraction, ousting
تَخَرُّج Vتَخَرُّج Verbal Noun : graduation
تَخارُج VIتَخارُج Verbal Noun : disengagement, disassociation
اِسْتِخْراج Xاِسْتِخْراج Verbal Noun : extraction, removal, deduction
خارِجَ Iخارِجَ Doer : outside, out of
خارِج Iخارِج Doer : outside, exterior, outer part
خارِج Iخارِج Doer : outside
خارِجَة Iخارِجَة Doer : (Al) Kharga
خارِجِيّ Iخارِجِيّ Doer : outer, foreign, outside
خَوارِج خَوارِج : dissidents, rebels, Khawarij
خارِجِيَّة Iخارِجِيّ Doer : foreign ministry, foreign office
مُخْرِج IVمُخْرِج Doer : screen/stage director
مُخْرَج IVمُخْرَج Receiver : excerpt, extracts
مُتَخَرِّج Vمُتَخَرِّج Doer : graduate
مُسْتَخْرَج Xمُسْتَخْرَج Receiver : extract, excerpt