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Look Up A Measure I, Third Person Singular, Past Tense Root

    Noun of Place & Time

    اسم المكان
    و الوقت
    Recipient (Passive Participal)

    اسم المفعول
    Doer (Active Participal)

    اسم الفاعل
    Verbal Noun

    Passive Present (Imperfect)

    Passive Past (Perfect)


    Active Present (Imperfect)

    Active Past (Perfect)

    مَقْضِيّ قاضِي قَضَى قَضاء قَضائِيّ قَضِيَّة to execute / perform / decree; to be executed / be performed / be decreed
    settled, finishedexecuting, performing, decreeing, judge, magistratejudgment, sentence,justice, judiciary, extermination, annihilation, district, province,judicial, legal,problem, issue, lawsuit, legal case
    to carry out / effectuate / accomplish; to be carried out / be effectuated / be accomplished
    to summon / prosecute; to be summoned / be prosecuted
    to be completed / expire
    مُتَقاضِي تَقاضِي to litigate / lay claim to
    litigant, litigantslitigation
    to be completed / expire
    مُقْتَضَى اِقْتِضاء to demand / require
    requisite, necessary, requirement, exigency, exigenciesrequirement, exigency, exigencies
    to demand / claim; to be demanded / be claimed

    قَضَى     I
    قَضَى     Verb    : to execute, perform, decree

    قَضَّى     II
    قَضَّى     Verb    : to carry out, effectuate, accomplish

    قاضَى     III
    قاضَى     Verb    : to summon, prosecute

    تَقَضَّى     V
    تَقَضَّى     Verb    : to be completed, expire

    تَقاضَى     VI
    تَقاضَى     Verb    : to litigate, lay claim to

    اِنْقَضَى     VII
    اِنْقَضَى     Verb    : to be completed, expire

    اِقْتَضَى     VIII
    اِقْتَضَى     Verb    : to demand, require

    اِسْتَقْضَى     X
    اِسْتَقْضَى     Verb    : to demand, claim

    قَضَى     I
    قَضَى     Verbal Noun    : judgment, sentence
    أَقْضِي     Verbal Noun    : judgments, sentences

    قَضاء     I
    قَضاء     Verbal Noun    : justice, judiciary

    قَضاء     I
    قَضاء     Verbal Noun    : extermination, annihilation

    قَضاء     I
    قَضاء     Verbal Noun    : district, province
    أَقْضِي     Verbal Noun    : districts, provinces

    قَضَوِيّ     : jurisdiction

    قَضائِيّ     I
    قَضائِيّ     Verbal Noun    : judicial, legal

    قَضِيَّة     I
    قَضِيّ     Verbal Noun    : problem, issue
    قَضايا     Verbal Noun    : problems, issues

    قَضِيَّة     I
    قَضِيّ     Verbal Noun    : lawsuit, legal case
    قَضايا     Verbal Noun    : lawsuits, legal cases

    مُقاضاة     III
    مُقاضا     : court trial, hearing
    مُقاضَي     : court trials, hearings

    تَقاضِي     VI
    تَقاضِي     Verbal Noun    : litigation

    اِنْقِضاء     VII
    اِنْقِضاء     : termination, expiration

    اِقْتِضاء     VIII
    اِقْتِضاء     Verbal Noun    : requirement, exigency
    اِقْتِضاء     Verbal Noun    : requirements, exigencies

    قاضِي     I
    قاضِي     Doer    : executing, performing, decreeing

    قاضِي     I
    قاضِي     Doer    : judge, magistrate
    قُضا     Doer    : judges, magistrates

    قَواضِي     : requirements, exigencies

    مَقْضِيّ     I
    مَقْضِيّ     Receiver    : settled, finished

    مُتَقاضِي     VI
    مُتَقاضِي     Doer    : litigant
    مُتَقاضِي     Doer    : litigants

    مُتَقاضَى     VI
    مُتَقاضَى     : subject to legal prosecution

    مُقْتَضَى     VIII
    مُقْتَضَى     Receiver    : requisite, necessary

    مُقْتَضَى     VIII
    مُقْتَضَى     Receiver    : requirement, exigency
    مُقْتَضَي     Receiver    : requirements, exigencies

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