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Look Up A Measure I, Third Person Singular, Past Tense Root

    Noun of Place & Time

    اسم المكان
    و الوقت
    Recipient (Passive Participal)

    اسم المفعول
    Doer (Active Participal)

    اسم الفاعل
    Verbal Noun

    Passive Present (Imperfect)

    Passive Past (Perfect)


    Active Present (Imperfect)

    Active Past (Perfect)

    مَهْمُوم هَمّ هِمَّة هَمّام to be ready / intend
    concerned, preoccupied, interestedconcern, interest,ambition, zeal, aspirations,energetic, anxious
    تَهْمِيم تَهْمِيمَة [No Verbs]
    lulling to sleep,lullaby
    مُهِمّ مُهِمَّة to concern / be important; to be of concern
    important, serious,important matter, equipment, material, supplies
    مُهْتَمّ اِهْتِمام to be concerned / be interested
    interested, concerned, tasks, functions, dutiesinterest, concern, care, attention

    هُم     : they []

    هَمّ     I
    هَمّ     Verb    : to be ready, intend

    أَهَمّ     IV
    أَهَمّ     Verb    : to concern, be important

    اِهْتَمّ     VIII
    اِهْتَمّ     Verb    : to be concerned, be interested

    هَمّ     I
    هَمّ     Verbal Noun    : concern, interest
    هُمُوم     Verbal Noun    : concerns, interests

    هِمَّة     I
    هِمّ     Verbal Noun    : ambition, zeal
    هِمَم     Verbal Noun    : ambitions, aspirations

    هَمّام     I
    هَمّام     Verbal Noun    : energetic, anxious

    هُمام     I
    هُمام     : magnanimous, heroic

    هَمِيم     I
    هَمِيم     : zealous, eager

    أَهَمّ     IV
    أَهَمّ     : more/most important

    أَهَمِّيَّة     IV
    أَهَمِّيّ     : importance, significance

    مَهَمَّة     I
    مَهَمّ     : task, assignment, mission
    مَهامّ     : tasks, assignments, missions

    تَهْمِيم     II
    تَهْمِيم     Verbal Noun    : lulling to sleep

    تَهْمِيمَة     II
    تَهْمِيم     Verbal Noun    : lullaby

    اِهْتِمام     VIII
    اِهْتِمام     Verbal Noun    : interest, concern, care, attention

    هامّ     III
    هامّ     : important, significant

    مَهْمُوم     I
    مَهْمُوم     Receiver    : concerned, preoccupied, interested

    مُهِمّ     IV
    مُهِمّ     Doer    : important, serious

    مُهِمَّة     IV
    مُهِمّ     Doer    : important matter
    مُهِمّ     Doer    : equipment, material, supplies

    مُهْتَمّ     VIII
    مُهْتَمّ     Receiver    : interested, concerned
    مُهْتَمّ     Receiver    : tasks, functions, duties

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